5 Benefits of journaling for life with chronic illness

Throughout my journey with multiple illnesses, journaling has been a staple of how I navigate the muddy waters of each new diagnosis. Writing things down on paper became instrumentally therapeutic in helping me process the many parts of my life that were constantly changing.

Journaling is often thought of as a form of self-expression, but focused journaling can also be a way to improve your quality of life.

5 documented benefits of journaling include

  1. Helping prioritize problems, fears, and concerns

    Living with a chronic illness brings its own unique challenges. Often times, you may be juggling many different challenges at once. From multiple doctor’s opinions, to starting new treatments, to wondering if your life will ever be the same again — your journal can be a safe space to prioritize what is most deserving of your attention at the given moment.

  2. Aiding in physical, emotional, and mental healing

    There are many different ways to use a journal to assist you in your physical, emotional, and mental healing. One popular and helpful way is keeping a symptom focused journal. This type of journaling can help you to identify any patterns in your symptoms that may be helpful to share with your care team. Another helpful journaling journey is documenting treatments and their effects on you. For example, when I began taking medication for anxiety, each day I wrote very specific details about how I felt that day. When it came time to evaluate whether or not treatments were “working”, I had detailed information to update my doctor with.

  3. Boosting self-confidence

    With so many things changing practically overnight, it is no surprise that many living with chronic illness take a hit to their self-confidence. Experiencing gaslighting from doctors may lead to feelings of self-doubt. Getting used to new physical or mental limitations may bring about feelings of inadequacy when comparing yourself to the “old” you. Journaling your wins, big or small, is a good practice to remind you of just how capable you are!

  4. Reducing stress

    Stress and chronic illness go hand in hand. Journaling can be a tool in your stress relieving tool box by creating a safe space for you to process any overwhelming or negative thoughts you may be bottling up inside. Writing in a journal during a time of stress allows you to dump your deepest and darkest concerns in a judgement-free space, and may encourage you to take action in areas of your life that you’ve been stuck ruminating over. When I find myself stuck in my own head, I always leave a journaling session feeling like a weight has been lifted off me.

  5. Helping define and achieve goals

    Goal setting can get a little tricky when living with chronic illness, especially when we are comparing our accomplishments to those around us. Keep in mind that goals do not always need to be grand to be important. The goal as simple as making your bed each day can give a sense of accomplishment and accountability in an environment that may feel completely out of your own control.

Now that you have some insight into how journaling can be helpful, I hope that this list has helped encourage you to start a journaling practice to help aid in your healing!



My Story: Journeying through Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, heart disease, and lupus


Lessons learned as a nurse with chronic illness